Coaching and Mentoring

Get one-to-one help with your writing. Whether you're working on a specific project or are trying your hand at writing more generally, I can work with you to help you develop your ideas and transform your approach to writing.  

In my role as a writing coach and mentor, I work with you on a one-to-one basis and over an agreed period of time.  As a writing coach and mentor, I do not help you directly with the actual writing process (your writing should always be yours and yours alone), but what I can do is offer invaluable ongoing guidance, advice, criticism and support, whatever your writing goals. 

Why choose coaching or mentoring?

There are many ways in which one-to-one help from Write Now could help you:
  • You need help with the development of a specific writing project, such as a novel or play, 
  • You would benefit from an ongoing relationship geared towards developing your writing journey and career
  • You want to develop your writing skills through tailored exercises
  • You need help in adopting a more productive and satisfying approach to your writing
  • You are new to writing, and would appreciate some assistance in getting started

What kind of things can it help with?

Some of the common areas covered by a coaching and mentoring programme with me can include: 
  • finding inspiration and motivation
  • transforming your approach to writing
  • obtaining feedback on work in-progress
  • obtaining advice on professional career development
  • facilitating the creative process and overcoming blocks and indecision
  • improving time management, prioritisation skills and productivity
  • working on specific aspects of your writing, such as character development or plotting
  • improving your confidence in your writing
  • marketing your work
  • seeking publication

Coaching v mentoring - what's the difference?

Coaching and mentoring are different but closely linked processes.
  • Coaching is about empowering the client to understand their own needs and to work out the best way forward for themselves. Coaching is not about instructing the client, but about listening and asking the right questions with a view to facilitating the client's growth and development.  
  • Mentoring, on the other hand, is more about providing advice and guidance, based upon the mentor's own experience and knowledge. A mentor therefore acts more as an adviser than would a coach. This aspect of my role requires me to draw on my wealth of knowledge as a writer and teacher of creative writing.
In practice, my role as a writing coach and mentor generally tends to combine aspects of both coaching and mentoring, though the specifics of the role depend upon the needs of the individual client. 

My approach to coaching and mentoring

My approach to my role as a writing coach and mentor is unique, and combines my knowledge as a writer with my many years of experience as a teacher of creative writing with my extensive background in coaching.  

I use a unique combination of writing tools, teaching aids, exercises and coaching techniques in my approach to help you get the best out of your writing.
My approach is always centred on your needs, and always focused on helping you to achieve your writing ambitions, and I work with you to help motivate you to meet those ambitions.  Together, we set realistic goals for your writing development and achievement, and work towards achieving those goals.

How does it work?

My coaching and mentoring services are always tailored specifically to your needs, and various factors can influence precisely how the arrangement is made:
  • Is face-to-face coaching/mentoring practical? I am based in the North of England, but am able to travel a reasonable distance, where necessary. Face-to-face meetings can take place in your own home or in a public place, as preferred. If face-to-face meetings are not possible, I can provide coaching and mentoring by email or by alternative methods, such as Skype.
  • Over what time period is coaching required? Typically, coaching agreements cover a period of three, six or twelve months, though this is flexible according to your needs. 
  • How much contact is required? Again, this is tailored to suit your requirements, but sessions can be scheduled over regular periods (weekly, monthly, etc.) or provided on an as-needed basis.

How much does it cost?

As there are many variables affecting the nature of a coaching or mentoring relationship, my services are always tailored specifically to your needs.  

Fees therefore depend greatly on the nature of that relationship and the nature of the services to be provided.

If you're interested in my coaching and mentoring services, please contact me in the first instance for a free assessment of your needs to see what arrangement would work best for you.

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