"Figure out what you have to say.  It's the one and only thing you have to offer."
(Barbara Kingsolver)

"Well – what can I say about John’s gift for understanding my rough first draft novella and giving me the confidence to turn it into a novel? John’s knack of drawing the interesting story out of writers is a real art. His patient manner and encouragement are not to be underestimated.
I used John’s manuscript review service to find out if my first draft was ‘holding together’ as a story. The feedback, observation and some suggestions were invaluable for me and helped me develop the plot, expand the characters into ‘real’ people and write a finished story. 
It was definitely money well spent. I can’t thank him enough – and I have no hesitation recommending his services to others. Trust me, you won’t regret it."

Joy Coutts

Joy Coutts is a copy-editor and proof-reader, and the author of A Missing Mother: A Story of Childhood Loss, which can be found on Amazon.
"So many people feel they have a book in them, but lack both the skills and the confidence to actually begin writing it!  A good teacher can help provide that boost, and I was so fortunate that John Seymour did that for me. While still working full-time, I attended John's classes in Creative Writing, and loved them. As well as teaching writing strategies and skills through a range of imaginative and enjoyable writing activities, he offered patient support, encouragement and guidance. Whatever their starting point, John's students grew in ability and confidence. For me, his encouragement was a major catalyst which contributed to me going on to complete an MA in Creative Writing. Since then I have had one novel published, a second one is in the pipeline, and a third one planned. Thank you, John."

Diana Finley

Diana Finley is the author of The Loneliness of Survival.  Read more about her work at https://dianafinley.com or find her novel on Amazon.
"The best thing about working with John is that he doesn't allow you to be negative about your work.  So, even if you think you might be being pretentious calling yourself a writer, you begin to think, 'Yes, maybe I can do this!'"  - BC

"John’s ideas and structured tasks always provide a stimulus to explore new and different ways of developing my writing. I find his critiques extremely helpful, particularly as they identify what’s positive and what could be developed further."  - CG

"John's lessons have taught me to appreciate all forms of literature and write in ways I'd never imagined. With his support and constructive critiquing, my memoirs (the reason I embarked on a creative writing course) are developing well and I'm nearly finished a novel. What more can I say?"
- SF

"If you want a knowledgeable, approachable and honest mentor then you can't do better than John." - CF
"I didn’t attend John’s creative writing course because there was something I was burning to say. I had taken early retirement and wanted to dip my toe in, find out if in fact I could write fiction. John is genius at nurturing natural talent, can resolve any problem, overcome every obstacle. I wrote three novels under John’s guiding hand."
W. Scott Beaven
Scott is the author of 3 novels, Riccarton Junction, Train That Carried The Girl, and Parallel Lines.  Find out more about his work at https://scottbeaven.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/my-books.html or find links to all of his books on Amazon.
"John has a great ability to see what a piece of writing is really all about, and then to use his skill to suggest ways the writing could be even better. His calm and thoughtful approach provides support and guidance without imposing unrealistic demands or a rigid framework. He has not only shown me how I can improve the technical side of my short stories and poetry, but has also helped me develop my writer’s imagination. I look forward to continuing to work with John and have no hesitation in recommending him to other developing writers." 
- GP

"I have spent the last two years improving my writing technique with John and am very pleased with the results. I have picked up numerous tips and tricks that have improved various aspects of my writing and feel much more confident about starting to write a novel or other large piece of work." - RR

"John has opened up new approaches and styles of writing to me that I would not have previously attempted on my own."  - MFW

 "I came to John's creative writing classes as a complete beginner. With John's encouragement and guidance, my confidence has grown and I have developed my own style and expression. John is very good at giving prompts that get your creative ideas flowing but also allow plenty of freedom for you to explore those ideas, and then offering constructive criticism as to how to improve. He creates a safe environment whereby all class members can learn from each other and from his wide knowledge of being a writer himself."

"I was always sceptical that someone such as myself could be taught the skills to even contemplate writing a narrative or a poem that anyone would wish to read. John’s classes have led me to believe that this is a possibility. I have found his classes informative, interesting and at times challenging, but most of all fun. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone with an interest in writing."  - LT

"One of the most rewarding aspects of John's classes is working alongside other talented writers to illuminate the creative path to success." - RR

"As a lifelong learner with much study behind me, I have found John's creative writing classes to be some of the best sessions I have ever attended. This is due to John's clear, knowledgeable and creative approach. Not only is he a gifted teacher but he also is skilled at facilitating a group so that each person feels their contribution is valued, whether written or spoken. His variety in approach to the subject is enjoyable and stretching and gets exciting results. He gives honest, straightforward feedback that encourages you to review and edit.  I recommend John's sessions unreservedly." - HD

 "I have worked with John for around ten years, in various classes and settings, and have found him patient, well-organised and reliable, and supportive to all members of a group in a non-patronising way. He is always well-prepared, and his methods are structured whilst allowing enough flexibility for input from group members. He reads and listens closely before making perceptive comments, giving useful individual feedback. This has spurred me on to greater efforts, as well as leaving me with comments I want to re-read for their encouragement.  I recommend John highly if you want coaching or tutoring in your creative writing, either on your own or with others. Go for it!"  - FH

"John's critical but constructive feedback has opened new doors for me and I feel that my writing has improved and matured under his guidance. As my novel project heads towards its conclusion, I look forward to his help in getting it ready to be submitted to a publisher."  - SB

"John is a fantastic tutor. He put me at ease, and I felt comfortable and confident in participating with the class. He gave me great feedback, and has allowed me to see my ideas from angles I had not previously considered. I got more from the class than I had ever expected, and am excited to continue with my writing." - JS

"In working with John, I have enjoyed fresh inspiration in my writing. From doing free verse poetry exercises to writing dialogue to creating character profiles and ‘thinking outside the box’, I have learned so much.  John gives encouraging comments, both verbally and in written form, and can identify a detail that makes or mars a piece of writing. 
With his calm and approachable manner, working with John is pleasant and enjoyable. 
I now find writing a joy, and am delighted to say I recently progressed to the short list of a writing magazine!
Thank you, John!"
- AR

 "Recently, I have had the opportunity to benefit from an introductory class with John. His teaching style is encouraging and gentle but still stretches one. The exercises and tasks he shares are imaginative and creative and certainly serve to get one's own creativity going which, for me, was one of the major points of engaging with the course. He led the students through a variety of forms with a confidence and ease which enabled us in turn to feel confident in trying new things and sharing the outcome. He helped us to develop an ethos of sharing our efforts which was both enjoyable and very helpful to us as learners. I am very much looking forward to continuing to learn about creative writing with his support."  - PF

"I love John’s classes. I revel in writing again and feel I am really learning from him and the other members of the group. John sets tasks that are varied, thought provoking, challenging and fun. His feedback is incisive, constructive and always encouraging. He finds positives in everything I produce. This gives me courage to tackle subjects very much outside my comfort zone. I do like to be challenged and my confidence is growing. My writing is improving, which, for me, is the aim of the game… Highly recommended."  - MGE

"John's classes have aided my self-development and confidence in my own writing." 

"John is able to create a learning environment where each individual is encouraged to take part in frank but supportive critiquing of each other's work. He takes time at the start of each course to establish what techniques we wish to cover and without fail then provides us with the necessary tools to achieve those goals. 
John leads group discussions, and also reads every piece of work that we produce, offering his own critique, highlighting things that work well and suggesting areas for improvement. Attending his classes has made me a more confident writer and has given me tips and techniques to improve the way that I approach my writing" - MC
"I've thoroughly enjoyed John's lessons and found the writing exercises both interesting and challenging. I feel I've not only developed as a writer but also as a reader. The feedback I've received from John has been invaluable for he seems to pinpoint exactly where I could develop my work or improve it. His suggestions are given in such a way that I still feel ownership for my writing."  - HS
"I have been doing creative writing classes for a few years with John. He has always been extremely helpful and supportive. He makes constructive comments when critiquing my writing and often makes alternative suggestions or discovers different aspects that I hadn't thought about! 
I would definitely recommend him as a creative writing tutor." 
- TM
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