Online courses

Want to study creative writing from the comfort of your own home? I provide a range of inspiring and motivating online courses that will enhance and develop your skills, whatever your level of experience. 

My online courses enable you to study creative writing with me whatever your location and whatever your availability time-wise.  I offer online courses both via Zoom virtual meetings and via email... 

Creative writing classes on Zoom!
I regularly run creative writing courses via Zoom, typically lasting 8 weeks, and consisting of 8 two-hour long weekly sessions.  These courses are open to anyone from any location in the world!  Sign up to meet others interested in creative writing, from beginners to experienced writers.  You'll develop your writing skills with exercises, discussions, homework activities and challenges.

Day/time: various
Duration: typically 8 two hour sessions 
Cost: £64 per person

Enquire using the button below to find out about upcoming dates and times of courses.
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My online courses via email enable you to study creative writing with me whatever your location and whatever your availability time-wise.  My email classes come in two types... 

These courses give you all the content of the equivalent classroom-based course, but with the flexibility of studying when you want and where you want.  

Each of these courses costs only £90 per person.  You can sign up for one of these courses at any time, and, once you've started, you can proceed through it as quickly or as slowly as you like. You receive your materials via email as your journey through your course progresses, and for each submitted task you receive detailed feedback, also by email.

The classroom-based courses that are available for online study are:

Get Writing
Keep Writing
Write Your Novel
Write Short Stories
Write Your Script
Write Poetry
Write Your Life Story

See below for more details on the content of each.

My online-only courses are slightly different in that they are more targeted in terms of content, and they follow a set schedule, with new lessons issued every week.  

The cost of this type of course depends upon its duration and the nature of its content.  Once again, your materials are issued via email each week, and for each submitted task you receive detailed feedback on your progress, also by email.  

With this type of course, you also get the chance to join a dedicated Facebook group, where you can share thoughts and ideas with other course members, an invaluable additional resource.

To find out about upcoming online-only courses, see my latest news page, contact me, or click on the button below.
Enquire about online-only courses

Get Writing

Want to get into creative writing?  This is the online course for you.  

My Get Writing online course covers the basics of all the main forms of creative writing, including prose writing, poetry, script writing and non-fiction.  This course is especially suitable for creative writing beginners.

To find out about my Get Writing online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Keep Writing

Want to continue writing? This online course builds on your basic creative writing skills, and gives you more experience of the various different forms of writing.  It also helps you to keep going with your writing, and to keep inspired and motivated.  This online course is ideal if you have some experience of creative writing, or if you have already completed my Get Writing course and want to continue developing your skills.

To find out about my Keep Writing online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Write Your Novel

Always wanted to write a novel?  Got an idea for a novel and want to get cracking with it?  Or maybe you don't know where or how to start?  This online course helps you to develop your novel idea, plan a plot, create sub-plots, develop your characters and manage your novel project, all with the aim of helping you make progress towards completing a first draft.

To find out about my Write Your Novel online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Write Short Stories

Writing short stories is an art form all of its own. My Writing Short Stories course takes you through the principles of this art form: keeping a tight story; achieving a satisfying resolution; economy of writing; and adding layers of theme and subtext to your work. You'll also learn about different types of short story, and end up with several examples of such stories of your own.

To find out about my Write Short Stories online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Write Your Script

Want to write a play for the stage?  Or a screenplay?  Whatever medium you have in mind, this class helps you to develop your script idea, plan your plot, develop your characters, and make progress towards completing a first draft.  It also helps you to format your script, and helps you think about the requirements of your chosen medium, whether that be stage, screen or radio.

To find out about my Write Your Script online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Write Poetry

Enjoy writing poetry?  Or always wanted to have a go at it?  This course takes you through the basics of writing poetry, teaches you about forms and styles of poetry, and how to put poems together.  You'll create a variety of poems of your own in various styles, making use of the techniques of poetic writing.  The course is perfect for anyone interested in writing poetry, whether you're experienced or a total beginner.  
To find out about my Write Poetry online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.

Write Your Life Story

Always wanted to write your life story, memoirs or family history?  This online course helps you to put your ideas together, make sense of the wealth of material you have at your disposal, and develop a structure for your work.  The course is designed to help you combine facts with fiction-writing techniques to get the best out of your true life story-telling.  

To find out about my Write Your Life Story online course, or to sign up to study it, please contact me.
To find out more about any of my online courses, please see my latest news page, contact me, or click the button below.
Enquire about my online courses
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